Monthly Archives: October 2007

Please Don’t Shoot the Messenger

By shooting the credibility of the one who is delivering the message, members of the media are doing their readers and the public a disservice by casting aspersions on what close investigations will confirm is very high quality work.


The Family Forest® Project connects the dots of recorded history, and we are simply reporting on some of the surprising and counterintuitive pictures that are appearing. We are very conscientious about performing our service with integrity.


According to some very smart and well informed people, such as Mark Humphrys, King Solomon and everyone else from that time period would fall into one of only two possible categories. Each of those individuals is either an ancestor of no one alive today, or an ancestor of everyone alive today.


The Family Forest® New World Edition is the digital resource that allows users to follow this more informed thinking by visually exploring the thousands of years of recorded human history that have now been digitally indexed in lineage-linked format. 


Please follow your own curiosity, and decide for yourself.  

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Filed under Ancestral History, Family Genes, FamilyForest, Genealogy, history, Math, politics, Uncategorized

Another Barack Obama Cousins Story

A news story began circulating Tuesday about Vice President Dick Cheney and presidential candidate Senator Barack Obama being distant cousins.

Anyone using the Family Forest® New World Edition from two years ago can instantly pull up a chart that illustrates, through generation-by-generation family ties, this supposedly new story.

The story fails to mention some of the other famous cousins Vice President Dick Cheney and presidential candidate Senator Barack Obama share through this common ancestor, early Maryland settler Mareen Duval.

Those other distant cousins include Harriet Miers (didn’t she receive special treatment from her cousin Dick Cheney’s boss earlier this year?), Wallis Warfield (the Duchess of Windsor), President Harry Truman, Paris Hilton, and Emmy award winning Hollywood actor Robert Duvall.

Second Lady Lynne Cheney does not mention that she is also a distant cousin of presidential candidate Senator Barack Obama, and that one of their common ancestors built and lived in a castle. This information can be seen by following the links in Probably Your Castle.

More of Senator Barack Obama’s family ties to the White House can be found in a story from early this year about his presidential genes.

Stories like these are much more interesting when you use the Family Forest® to explore the visual illustrations which are behind these stories. In addition to many other “best of” claims it deserves, the Family Forest® New World Edition is the best digital central source for generation-by-generation ancestral pathways leading to and from the White House, and the presidential 2008 Election.


Filed under Ancestral History, Family, Family Genes, FamilyForest, Genealogy, life, politics