Igniting a Passion, Going for the Gold

They say that within every dark cloud is a silver lining, and my heart attack and the resulting surgery and recovery have not been an exception. Being forced to take it easy allowed me time away from the computer screen to watch quite a lot of the Beijing 2008 Olympics, and to become inspired by so much concentrated human excellence. 


Having so many various and diverse individuals from different countries and backgrounds coming together in friendship and peace to compete, excel, and seek the highest honors in their specialties is a real beacon of hope for the world’s future.


I also noticed that ExxonMobil ran many ads, which focused on the need to interest children early in excelling at math and science.  


Growing the amazingly networked system of links that is the Family Forest® has convinced me that there is a much better approach than a direct frontal assault to their worthwhile objective. 


Personally connecting schoolchildren to greatness through actual family ties, as the Family Forest® can do, is a much more powerful beginning step to lead kids toward excellence in many fields, including math and science, and the pursuit of Olympic Gold. 


Family Forest® discoveries can be very powerful catalysts to spark children’s curiosity and excitement. 


After more than a decade of growing the Family Forest® Project, we know that the Family Forest® is the best digital central source to personally connect the largest number of students of all ages to greatness through their own family ties. It is a very enriching and empowering resource, and I wish it were available to me as a young student. 


Here are a few links that relate to igniting a passion in students: 











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Filed under Beijing 2008 Olympics, education, Excellence, Family, Family Genes, FamilyForest, Genealogy, history, Olympic Gold, Olympics, Uncategorized

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