What is an Ancestral History Tour Guide?


By dictionary definition, I am a genealogist. In reality, I am not what one usually expects a genealogist to be. 


By analogy, think of true genealogists as master chefs. Highly trained professional experts who start from scratch and create precision works.


Think of an ancestral history tour guide as similar to a person who reviews fine dining restaurants for guides such as Fodors, Frommers, or newspapers such as the New York Times, and directs readers to the best of the best to save them time, money, and aggravation.

That’s what I am doing, and have been doing for tens of thousands of hours already, with many hundreds of warehouses of professionally recorded history. I explore through the fine print of a vast wealth of ancestral history details that the experts have discovered and recorded over the centuries, and I leave a well-marked digital trail to the exact locations of just the best of the best.


This allows you and other Family Forest® explorers to quickly zoom into the most relevant ancestral history knowledge, the best of the best, without wading through hundreds or thousands of repetitions of information and misinformation (as is often necessary on the Internet).


This is the way I wanted to find my ancestry presented when I became curious; distilled to the best of the best of what the experts had already discovered.


Actually, isn’t this the way you hope to explore any topic which interests you?


Wouldn’t you rather start any research quest by first finding out what a reasonably intelligent person has discovered after filtering though all of the repetitions and misinformation while searching for the best of the best?




Filed under education, Family, Family Genes, Genealogy, history, internet, life, teaching, Travel, Uncategorized

5 responses to “What is an Ancestral History Tour Guide?

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