Tag Archives: American History

Mike Huckabee is Related to Spies and a Traitor


Kristine and I have been big fans of AMC’s TURN since the first episode, and our interest in some of its characters reaches back to George Washington’s Lower Part.

When Kristine was looking last night for information about the April 25th start of TURN’s final season, she came upon a video where Mike Huckabee was explaining the value of TURN for Americans, especially young Americans.

So I queried the Family Forest® this morning to look for Mike Huckabee’s Family Forest® cousins. As I expected to find, Mike Huckabee shares ancestors in the Family Forest® with most of the key characters in TURN. Here they are, arranged from most distant to closest.

Benjamin Tallmadge                17c7r

Robert Townsend                     17c4r

George Washington                 16c4r

Benedict Arnold                       14c7r

Abraham Woodhall                 13c7r

Caleb Brewster                        13c7r

Anna (Smith) Strong              13c3r

Selah Strong                              4c7r

For some of the Family Forest® cousins relationships between a number of the key characters just click on the chart at Family Forest® Family Ties of AMC’s TURN

If you haven’t been watching this great show, you should catch up on the previous seasons before the TURN final season begins on April 25th. It will be time well spent.

If you’d like to see how your family might relate through family ties to TURN and America’s first spy ring, check out our Family Forest® connection service.



Family Forest® Project

Millisecond Publishing Company, Inc.

Family Forest® is a product and registered trademark of Millisecond Publishing Company, Inc.

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Filed under 1st American spy ring, America's first spy ring, American Revolution, Ancestors, Ancestral History, Ancestry, Cousins, Family Forest Connection Service, TURN

Fast Forward to Tombstone Arizona

Once upon a time, there was a Knight. He was of Claverham Manor in Arlington, Sussex, England.

Many of Sir Thomas Fiennes ancestors were also Knights. A number of his ancestors in the first ten generations were also Lords and Earls, and one was a famous king who was one the key historical figures in Braveheart. A Family Forest®  Ancestors-at-a-glance™ is available via this link.

Sir Thomas married Anne Urswick in about 1482 and is said to have had three sons and four daughters by her. All four of their daughters married.

According to the ancestral history digitally indexed and mapped out in the Family Forest®, their daughter Margaret is an ancestor of some of the most famous lawmen of the American West, the Earp brothers.

This means that five centuries after Sir Thomas and Anne married, their descendants were the key participants in the gunfight at (or near) the O.K. Corral in Tombstone, AZ.

Then, one century later, another one of Sir Thomas and Anne’s descendants, through their daughter Anne, portayed the central figure in the fight in a Hollywood movie. He is the famous Hollywood actor Kurt Russell, and he portrayed his 12c5r (twelth cousin five times removed), Wyatt Earp, in Tombstone.

Wyatt and Kurt have many other famous (or infamous) Family Forest® cousins through their common ancestors Sir Thomas Fiennes and Anne Urswick. Some of them include Janis Joplin and Christopher Lloyd and Anne Hathaway, Susan B. Anthony, Howard Dean, Paul Giamatti, Bing Crosby, General Abner Doubleday, Hon. David Souter, Timothy Geithner, Charlie Dent, Julia Child, Senator John Thune, Edna St. Vincent Milay, Edward Snowden, Sigourney Weaver, Penelope Ann Miller, Tuesday Weld, George Plimpton, John Herbert Adler, Marshall Field V, Anthony Perkins, Senator Lowell Weicker, Jr., Clarence Darrow, Bret Boone, John and Jim Harbaugh, Ed Helms, Dick Clark, Bob Newhart, Archibald Cox, Charles Dana Gibson, William DeWolf Hopper, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Jodie Foster, the Wilson brother of the Beach Boys, Secretary John Kerry, Caresse Crosby, Loudon Wainwright III, Amy Grant, Sarah Palin, Liv Tyler, Governor Mark Dayton, Richard Gere, James Spader, Horatio Gates Spafford, Lloyd, Beau, and Jeff Bridges Fred Gwynne, Secretary Arne Duncan, Vincent Price, and Larry Hagman.

How successful do you think Sir Thomas and Anne could have been in imagining what some of their descendants would be doing in five or six centuries?

How much more successful can you be in imagining what some of your descendants will be doing five or six centuries from now?

Sir Thomas Fiennes 379 page outline plus 180 page index is available here for only $9.99.

P.S. We claim, and as this blog should clearly demonstrate, that the Family Forest® is the best digital central source for connecting more people through family ties to Tombstone, AZ than any other resource. The same claim can be made for countless thousands of cities and towns across America and Europe.

Family Forest® Project

Millisecond Publishing Company, Inc.

Family Forest® is a product and registered trademark of Millisecond Publishing Company, Inc.


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Filed under Ancestral History, Cousins, Descendants, Family Forest, Family Forest® Project, FamilyForest.com, Genealogy, Janis Joplin, Jeff Bridges, John Adams, Julie and Julia, O.K. Corral, Tombstone, Wyatt Earp

Your Ancestral Heritage in a Landfill

Now into my third decade growing the Family Forest® connection service, I can’t begin to count how many times I’ve heard variations on the very same story. It goes like this.

My ________ (parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle, etc.) had been researching and assembling our family history for decades. After she/he passed and the house was being prepared for estate liquidation, my ________ (sibling, aunt, uncle, cousin, etc.) threw it out with all of the other stuff they thought was just worthless accumulations.

I recently spoke with an elderly gentleman who knew this story, and he was trying to prevent it from happening to his descendants, both living and unborn. He already knew that his children and grandchildren had little or no interest in his/their family history, yet.

And Sam had great stories to pass along. At least two of his ancestors were well-documented to have performed valuable services in the founding of our country, and to have personally known George Washington.

So he joined the SAR. Joining a hereditary society is a great first step in passing along a part of your ancestral history to future generations of your descendants.

The reason that I say a part of your ancestral history is because each hereditary society has a particular interest area that they excel at. This valuable focus prevents them from including all of the parts of your ancestral heritage that are outside of their interest area, no matter how interesting those parts are to you and your descendants.

You can join multiple hereditary societies, and pass along multiple parts of your ancestral heritage, in separated parts.

But what if you want to pass along the bigger picture of your assembled and connected ancestral heritage?

You can use the Family Forest® connection service.

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Filed under Ancestors, Ancestral History, Family Forest Connection Service, Family Forest® Project, FamilyForest.com, Genealogy, SAR, Sons of the American Revolution

Closest Celebrity Cousins

As I am prone to do while we are Networking Family History with Hollywood™, I often watch Turner Classic Movies and programs in search of interesting characters to lineage link into the vast network of family ties that is the Family Forest®.

Earlier this year TCM arranged with Disney to present some classic Disney content on TCM. The one that triggered fun memories that I hadn’t accessed in decades was Davy Crockett.


As a young boy in the 1950s, one of the biggest fads I remember was coonskin caps. No matter where you lived in America, if you didn’t have one, you certainly knew a number of boys who did.

The TCM introduction taught me something I didn’t know. Davy Crockett was the first (and only?) produced-for-television series that was repurposed into a hit theatrical movie.

Against staff recommendations that it be shot in less expensive black and white, since that was how the television audience would see it, visionary Walt Disney insisted that they shot it in color. After the huge popularity of the show, it was re-edited into a movie called “Davy Crockett King of the Wild Frontier”, and what people had already seen for free at home, they then paid to see at theaters.

So I made a note to look for the ancestors of the lead actor, Fess Parker, to see if I could network him into the Family Forest® (since before the end of the last century, the prime directive has been that no one gets into the Family Forest® unless they are related by birth, marriage, or adoption to someone who is already in).

Even though I do this all the time, there is no way I can guess in advance who someone’s closest celebrity cousins will be. In Fess Parker’s case, I was more surprised than usual.

So far in the Family Forest®, Fess Parker’s two closest celebrity cousins are a former Disney Mouseketeer and a President of the United States, Britney Spears (sixth cousin twice removed, 6C2R) and President Obama (7C2R).

So how surprised might you and your family be to discover your closest celebrity cousins?

Now, after twenty years of strategic research and preparation, the Family Forest® can probably show you your closest celebrity cousins through our new connection service.

By the way, in the current issue (November/December 2015) of Cowboys & Indians – The Premier Magazine of the West, Fess Parker is said to be the catalyst for Kurt Russell’s GoGi Wines.

I wonder if Kurt Russell owned a coonskin cap when he was a boy?

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Filed under Ancestry, Celebrity, Cousins, Davy Crockett, Disney, Family Forest, Fess Parker, Hollywood, television

Family Forest® Family Ties of AMC’s TURN

I am very excitedly looking forward to the return of AMC’s TURN, and almost two decades of strategically growing the Forest Family® has been fueling my excitement.

One of the central characters is someone I wrote about more than a decade ago in a Captain’s Log (a blog before there were blogs).

Attached is a chart showing actual blood relationships (not just some kind of Kevin Bacon type six degrees of separation social connections) between a number of the TURN characters, plus a couple of living people, according to ancestral history already assembled in the Forest Family®.

Warning: it could be paradigm-shifting to think about what you are seeing on this chart. Every person there shares ancestors, according to fully-sourced recorded history, with every other person there.

There are 100 boxes filled in on this chart, and all of these calculations took just 39 minutes and 30 seconds to calculate from the Forest Family® National Treasure II preview.

With just a few minutes more, I could use the Forest Family® National Treasure II preview to calculate similar relationships from all ten of these people to politicians like President Obama or John Kerry or Hillary Clinton, media personalities like Mike Huckabee or Anderson Cooper or Garrison Keillor, business moguls like Jeff Bezos or Bill Gates or Warren Buffett, Hollywood icons like Errol Flynn or Katharine Hepburn or Humphrey Bogart, current Hollywood stars like Tom Hanks or Amy Adams or Matt Damon, etc., etc.

Enjoy the return of the TURN series, and please stay tuned for an upcoming Forest Family® blog about the secrecy genes from America’s first spy ring arriving in Jekyll Island in 1910.

Just click on the Forest Family® TURN chart below to enlarge. Enjoy.

FF Turn chart



Filed under 1st American spy ring, AMC, America's first spy ring, American Revolution, American soldiers, Ancestry, Family Forest National Treasure, Family Forest® Project, FamilyForest.com, television, TURN

Lion’s Share for the Daughters of the American Revolution

I am very grateful for what the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) has done, and is doing.

In fact, had it not been for the DAR, I may have never created the Family Forest®.

My Aunt Marge was a member of the DAR, and it was her encouragement over the years that finally resulted in me wanting to discover my ancestral roots.

In appreciation, and in memory of Aunt Marge, from now until March 8, 2015 (her birthdate in 1922), Millisecond Publishing Company, Inc. will be gifting to the DAR the lion’s share (meaning more than half) of all gross sales revenues of the Family Forest® Descendants of King Edward III.

We will be spreading this gift equally between three DAR entities. One third will go to the Hawai’i Loa Chapter (which is my wife Kristine’s chapter) on the Big Island of Hawaii, one third will go to the Hawaii State Society in Honolulu, and one third will go to the NSDAR in Washington, DC.

The Edward III eBook chronicles a huge number of generation-by-generation pathways that begin with King Edward III and lead to present day or the recent past. Included are many DAR members, and DAR Patriot Ancestors.

I am sure that my Aunt Marge, my Godmother, would be both amazed and proud to discover that the Family Forest® has now become a very powerful supplemental and complimentary resource for the DAR archives, and it is probably the best non-DAR resource for potential and existing DAR members.

Thank you Daughters of the American Revolution for all you do to preserve our American Heritage and pass it down to future generations.

 Millisecond Publishing Company, Inc.

Home of the Family Forest® Project http://www.familyforest.com

A People-Centered Approach To History®


Filed under Ancestral History, Ancestry, Daughters of the American Revolution, Family Forest® Project, Genealogy, King Edward III of England, NSDAR

Family Forest® Previous Media

You may not have heard of the Family Forest® Project because we haven’t been advertising, but over the last 18 years, the Family Forest® has received some great media coverage locally, nationally, and internationally. Most of the url’s have disappeared, but a good representation is still available through the links below. The Family Forest® will amaze you when you discover what it does.

Associated Press: http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/news/politics/2008-10-30-3235348468_x.htm


Honolulu Star Bulletin and Star Bulletin: http://archives.starbulletin.com/2004/02/16/news/story3.html

World Net Daily: http://www.wnd.com/2007/02/39971/

CBS: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/03/04/politics/main604163.shtml

USA Today: http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/tech/webguide/hotsites/2004/2004-02-09-hotsites.htm

The Washington Times: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2004/mar/07/20040307-115025-5485r/?page=all

NBC and MSNBC: http://www.nbcnews.com/id/4286105/

Slate Magazine: http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/chatterbox/2007/02/obama_dc.html

Ancestry.com and NPR: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=15401094

Dick Eastman: http://www.eogn.com/archives/news0327.htm

UK Family History Magazine: http://www.familyhistorymonthly.com/contact.php

AARP: http://FamilyForest.com/review_sandy.html

Hawaii 24/7 : http://www.hawaii247.com/2010/10/22/family-forest-project-takes-on-national-politics/

 Family Forest® is a registered trademark of Millisecond Publishing Company, Inc.

A People-Centered Approach to History® is a registered trademark of Millisecond Publishing Company, Inc.

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Filed under 2008 election, 2010 Election, Alec Baldwin, Ancestors, Ancestral History, Ancestry, CBS, Cousins, Descendants, Family Forest, Family Forest® Project, FamilyForest.com, politics, U.S. Presidents

Largest Ancestral History eBook Coming Soon

Largest Ancestral History eBook Coming Soon

Wouldn’t it be cool to be able show your kids and grandkids that you are able to trace your own generation-by-generation ancestral pathways from
one of your ancestors directly into one of Shakespeare’s most famous plays?

This may be the ancestral history eBook with which you can do just that. At least hundreds of millions of living people are descended from the
subject of this book. If you have any European ancestry within the last five centuries, you are probably one of them.

The magnitude of The Family Forest® Descendants of King Duncan I of Scotland is staggering. It is 25,209 pages in length, and includes
216,538 different people, some of whom are themselves the ancestors of many millions of people.

The complete contents of at least 17 other Family Forest® eBook titles (totalling over $340, see list below) are all contained in this one
eBook title. Some of the contents from hundreds of other Family Forest® eBook titles are also contained in this same eBook title.

This short video will give you a good idea of what you can expect to find in this eBook.

We are asking for pricing advice. $129 is what we are leaning toward now, and it seems like a bargain price, considering that it contains much more than $340 of ancestral history content, and it can be the gateway portal into an inspirational lifetime learning experience.

However, $129 is still $40 more than buying the entire Family Forest® National Treasure Edition. Anyone with a reasonably powerful computer can use the National Treasure to generate this eBook (plus many more), if they are willing to commit about a day and a half of computer time.

Do you have any pricing advice you are willing to share with us?

Whatever the price it is released at, the Antelope Valley Genealogy Society will be giving this Duncan I eBook download away as a door prize at their conference in October. 

P.S. This title may be an exception to Jeff Bezos’ claim to be able to deliver any eBook title within 60 seconds.

Corporal Roger Wellington

Earl Sir Thomas Boleyn

Gov. Simon Bradstreet

Gov. Thomas Dudley

John Whitney

King Edward III of England

King Robert I of Scotland

Lady Joan Beaufort

Lord Sir Oliver De St John

Rev. John Maverick

Rev. John Woodbridge

Richard Sears

Richard Warren

Roger Harlakenden

Samuel Appleton

Sir Richard Saltonstall

Thomas Ludlow

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Filed under A People-Centered Approach To History®, Amazon.com, Ancestors, Ancestral History, Ancestry, Cousins, Descendants, ebooks, Family Forest, Family Forest National Treasure, Family Forest® Project, Family History, FamilyForest.com, Genealogy, King Edward III of England, King Robert I of Scotland, National Treasure, Uncategorized

Wikipedia Attacks Knowledge

A generally anonymous user at Wikipedia instigated a deletion of the Family Forest® page which had been up since January of 2007 at Wikipedia, and it feels like a malicious attack. So why now and what was the motivation?

What was the real agenda of this person? It appears that he or she doesn’t know what the Family Forest® is, but was sure that it doesn’t deserve recognition. Or could he or she have known what the Family Forest® is, and was carrying out sabotage orders?

Allegedly the Family Forest® fails Wikipedia’s Notability test.  Doesn’t it seem that a system of digital links which can generate tens of billions of pages of high quality ancestral history charts, ebooks, and reports should be considered notable, and a system of digital links which can map out a larger portion of the early ancestral pathways than they can see anywhere else for at least one out of three people on the planet should be considered notable?

In the deletion discussion (which I did not know was going on at the time) I was dismissed as just a genealogy hobbyist. On a typical day now, I can substantially improve the assembled ancestry of tens of millions of living people. This is possible only with the proprietary digital resource (the Family Forest®) I have spent tens of thousands of hours developing.

Someone who has spent 40 to 80 hours per week almost every week for 16 years digitally indexing human history in lineage-linked format should not be dismissed as just a hobbyist.

One of our investors recommends legal counsel (and possible action) to find out if this anonymous, mean-spirited, and unfounded attack, and Wikipedia’s decision to delete the entry without bothering to make any notification to either the individual who wrote and updated annually the entry on the Family Forest®, nor to the company, which is easily contacted from the FamilyForest.com website, is actionable in a court of law as it is quite damaging to the company, scurrilous, and possibly backed by some would be competitor seeking a corporate advantage.

We don’t want to do that. We don’t want to counterattack. There’s a lot I like about Wikipedia, and I have trouble believing that most of the people behind Wikipedia would sanction the wrong that was done to us.

So here is an offer I presented to Wikimedia last week for a win-win solution. If they will reexamine the Family Forest deletion decision, for the next 120 days they can make the following available at Wikipedia.

Every person who contributes $25 to Wikipedia will receive a complimentary $49 download of the 10,142 page Family Forest® Descendants of King Edward III of England eBook.

Exploring this one huge eBook should convince almost anyone that this one title by itself is notable. Since it is like but one grain of sand on the beach compared to all of the titles the Family Forest® can generate, it should be obvious that the Family Forest® should easily pass Wikipedia’s Notability test.

We are still waiting for Wikimedia to respond to our offer. If they have not accepted by the end of this week, we will offer it to the American Red Cross instead.

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Filed under American Red Cross, Ancestral History, Ancestry, ebooks, Family Forest, Family Forest® Project, Family History, FamilyForest.com, Genealogy, King Edward III of England, Notability, Wikimedia, Wikipedia

$100 Million Legacy Released a Century Later

There was an interesting story this week about one of the most unusual wills in American history. It appears that about a century ago, one of the richest men in America must have been very upset with his immediate family.

Hon. Wellington R. Burt, a large timber baron in Michigan, died in 1919 and left his fortune to his family. Nothing unusual about that. But one condition stipulated in the will brought this large legacy into the news in 2011.

Wellington Burt’s fortune was not to be distributed to his family heirs until 21 years after all of his grandchildren who were living in 1919 had died. That condition has just been met, and the $100 to $110 million legacy is about to be released.

You may be surprised to see who has family ties to this history book event. Within the 25,000 plus relatives in the Family Forest kinship report (see question number ten) of Hon. Wellington R. Burt are a number of instantly recognizable names.

Some of the other wealthy Americans are Wall Street icon Warren Buffett (7C3R), AOL founder Steve Case (6C3R), Mrs. King Ranch Henrietta Maria Morse Chamberlain (7C), firearms manufacturer Colonel Samuel Colt (7C), department store heir Marshall Field V (6C3R), Wall Street legend JP Morgan (7C1R), and eBay executive Meg Whitman (7C3R).

Some of the entertainers are Humphrey Bogart (8C1R), Spring Byington (6C2R), Agatha Christie (6C2R), Cindy Crawford (8C4R), Bruce and Laura Dern (8C2R & 8C3R), Jane and Peter Fonda (6C3R), Matthew Fox (6C5R), Dorothy and Lillian Gish (6C4R), Ernest Hemingway (8C2R), Dennis Hopper (6C5R), Tom Mix (6C2R), Anthony Perkins (6C3R), Robert Redford (6C5R), Christopher Reeve (5C4R), Tim Robbins (6C5R), Pat Robertson (7C4R), Tennessee Williams (6C2R), and Jonathan Winters (6C4R).

And some of the politicians are both Presidents Bush (7C2R & 7C3R), Rep. Ed Case (6C3R), Sir Winston Churchill (6C2R), President Grover Cleveland (6C1R), Vice President Charles Curtis (6C1R), Vice President Charles Gates Dawes (7C2R), President Gerald Ford (6C3R), President Richard Nixon (8C3R), Governor Sarah Palin (6C5R), President Franklin Pierce (5C1R), Vice President Nelson Rockefeller (6C3R), Governor Mitt Romney (5C4R), and President William Howard Taft (8C1R).

I am a 7C4R of Hon. Wellington R. Burt, and the Family Forest® is a People-Centered Approach To History®.

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Filed under A People-Centered Approach To History®, Ancestors, Ancestral History, Descendants, Family Forest, Family Forest National Treasure, Family History, Genealogy, Hollywood, Legacy, Uncategorized, Wellington R. Burt